Hey! well this is my new post after so long so hope u like it .
Not all devices with an apple on the case, there are accessories. For example, they do not exist for the Magic Mouse , or for the Magic Trackpad , or for the power adapter MagSafe on any MacBook ... Stop. For the latest accessory is . Or at least, will be - if this Kickstarter-project does not fail.
What's wrong with the standard adapter? Two things.First, gum, hides the connector cable is thin, not too resistant to excesses:
Second, if you use a long cord instead of a fork, then the "cheat" on the adapter it is somewhat problematic, because not have the required attachments:

The Special Case Wrap Up on startup thinklabs solves both problems. A thin cable is a solid plastic protection:

As long power cord, then it, thanks to design features, which now has a place:
Among other things, on the side of the Wrap Up can find two mounting - for thick and thin cables, respectively (for the sake of justice - a thin and can be mounted through a standard plastic clip):
Wrap Up in handy for those who do not have the time of the MacBook on battery power, and who are forced to wear an adapter with you. The minimum donation for accessory - $ 20, the target amount - $ 60,000, collected - just over 4 thousand for 25 days prior to the end. However, in the media about the project came just now, so who knows ...
Not all devices with an apple on the case, there are accessories. For example, they do not exist for the Magic Mouse , or for the Magic Trackpad , or for the power adapter MagSafe on any MacBook ... Stop. For the latest accessory is . Or at least, will be - if this Kickstarter-project does not fail.
What's wrong with the standard adapter? Two things.First, gum, hides the connector cable is thin, not too resistant to excesses:
Second, if you use a long cord instead of a fork, then the "cheat" on the adapter it is somewhat problematic, because not have the required attachments:

The Special Case Wrap Up on startup thinklabs solves both problems. A thin cable is a solid plastic protection:

As long power cord, then it, thanks to design features, which now has a place:
Among other things, on the side of the Wrap Up can find two mounting - for thick and thin cables, respectively (for the sake of justice - a thin and can be mounted through a standard plastic clip):
Wrap Up in handy for those who do not have the time of the MacBook on battery power, and who are forced to wear an adapter with you. The minimum donation for accessory - $ 20, the target amount - $ 60,000, collected - just over 4 thousand for 25 days prior to the end. However, in the media about the project came just now, so who knows ...
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